中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine,简称TCM)是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,拥有数千年的历史,以整体观念和辨证论治为核心理论。中医注重人体与自然环境的协调,强调通过调节阴阳平衡来维护健康和治疗疾病。其主要方法包括中草药治疗、针灸、推拿、气功和饮食调理等。中医不仅关注疾病本身,还注重预防保健,主张因人而异的个性化治疗。作为一种独特的医学体系,中医在现代医学之外提供了另一种理解健康与疾病的视角,并逐渐在全球范围内受到认可和应用。
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an integral part of Chinese culture with a history spanning thousands of years, rooted in the core principles of holistic perspective and syndrome differentiation. TCM emphasizes the harmony between the human body and its natural environment, focusing on maintaining health and treating diseases by balancing yin and yang. Its primary practices include herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tui Na), Qigong, and dietary therapy. Beyond addressing illnesses, TCM prioritizes preventive care and advocates personalized treatments tailored to individual needs. As a distinctive medical system, TCM offers an alternative approach to understanding health and disease, gaining recognition and application worldwide.